Vocabulary for the opinion part

According to the essay types (Learn what are the IELTS essay types) use one of the following connective words/ linking phrases to write down your opinion However remember that if the question does not ask you to give your opinion but to compare advantages and disadvantages, then you should not strongly express your opinion. Opinion should only be written for opinion essays. 

In my opinion...

I strongly opine that...
I strongly agree with the idea that...
I strongly disagree with the given topic...
I think...
My opinion is that...

Personally speaking...
In my view...
I believe...
Personally speaking...
According to me...
From my point of view...
 (Not 'In my point of view')
As far as I am concerned...
From my perspective...
I realise...
To my way of thinking...
It seems to me that...
To me...

To my mind...
My own view on the matter is...
It appears that...
I feel that...
I understand...
I suppose...



Vedas ऋगवेद यजुर्वेद सामवेद अथर्ववेद Purans Agni Mahapur...