SPEAKING TEST 11-11-2022

Part 1 (Interview)

- What is your full name?

- Where do you live?

- Do you work or study?

- Do you like the subjects you are studying?

- Do you like sports?

- What do you like more, watching or playing sports?

- With whom do you usually watch or play ports?

- Is there a sport you would like to play in the future?

- Do you keep things instead of throwing them away?

- Which items do you usually keep? Why?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe something that helps you concentrate. You should say

- what it is

- when you do it

- how it helps you

- and explain why you need it to concentrate.

Part 3 (Discussion)

- Why is concentration required?

- Which professions require more concentration than others?

- Do children need to concentrate?

- Why do people struggle with concentration these days?

- How can people improve it?

- What can companies do to improve their workers' concentration?



Vedas ऋगवेद यजुर्वेद सामवेद अथर्ववेद Purans Agni Mahapur...