SPEAKING TEST 12-06-2024

Part 1 (Interview)

- What is your full name?

- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?

- What do you like about your field of study?

- Do you prefer to work or study in the morning or in the afternoon?

- Do you do something that benefits other people?

- Do you know someone who helps other people?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about a quiet place you enjoy visiting. Please say

- how you know the place

- where it is located

- how often you visit it

- and explain why you enjoy visiting this place.

Part 3 (Discussion)

- Do you think it's easier to find a quiet place in the countryside or in the city?

- Do you know of any places in the city that aren't noisy?

- Is it important to respect the rules and hours when noise is restricted?

- What should be the hours when noise isn't allowed?



Vedas ऋगवेद यजुर्वेद सामवेद अथर्ववेद Purans Agni Mahapur...