AC Writing Task 30-12-2020



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Write at least 150 words.  

The chart below shows the total volume of telephone calls (in million minutes) in Denmark, divided into three categories, from 1995- 2004.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write at least 250 words.

Schools are spending more time teaching traditional subjects such as history. Some people think they should rather spend more time in teaching skills that can help students find a job.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer


The line graph compares the duration of national landline, international landline and cell phone calls made by citizens of Denmark between 1995 and 2004. Generally speaking, use of mobile phones by Danes increased remarkably after mid-2000 while the use of national fixed lines declined steeply after 2001.

As the diagram suggests, national landline calls made by Danes accounted for almost 12 million minutes in 1995 at which point Danes dialled about 6 million minutes of international calls and less than one million minutes' call using mobile phones. The duration of conversation made by mobile phones gradually grew till the mid-2000, after which it skyrocketed till the mid-2004. Danes made more than 2 million minutes' mobile calls during 2000 while it soared to approximately 12 million minutes in the mid-2004. Interestingly, the popularity of mobile phones cut the duration of calls made by the national fixed lines but the use of landlines for international calls slowly rose over the time. During 2004, more than 7 million minutes of international call were made by Danes which was one million higher than that of 1995 using fixed lines. Finally, local landline calls went as high as 15 million minutes in the mid-2001 but after a steady decline it went down as low as 8 million minutes in 2004.


School curriculums may vary from school to school, but their primary objective is the same everywhere which is to educate and enlighten students. However, some people claim that school should focus more on job-oriented subjects rather than teaching traditional ones like arts and history. I personally disagree with this view and believe that traditional subjects are just as important as skill-oriented subjects are.

To begin with, ‘job-oriented subject’ is itself an inexplicit term. Some would say that subjects that enhance practical skills like computing or gardening are job-oriented subjects, but no one can assure that all students in a class would become computer engineers and specialists in planting and gardening. That is why forcing pupils to study subjects that they do not feel interested in would bring negative results.

Furthermore, schools are meant to nurture young students’ creativity, foster their talent to let them explore their true potential. From this perspective, imposing job-related subjects is like killing the inner soul of the future generation. Finally, if schools can bring diversity among students and inform them about different perspectives of life, the students would themselves choose their career and transcend in future. So there is no need to create a robotic generation with a particular skill only.

Arts and history are as much important as any science and technical subjects are. The study of history empowers us to be prepared for the future and learn from our past mistakes. Similarly, arts and other traditional subjects allow us to learn to appreciate life. We revere Van Gauge and Leonardo da Vinci as much as we admire Sir Isaac Newton and Einstein. The world needs great artists and historians no less than it needs scientists and technicians.

To conclude, schools should equally focus on traditional subjects and skill-oriented subjects and nurture students’ hidden potential to prepare the future generation to become leaders, not corporate slaves.



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